Thursday, August 2, 2012

Construction Update: Vegetation Station

The actual construction is done per se, but the last two weeks have seen some additions to the exterior that have upped the outdoor appearance dramatically.  I'm no longer living in a rocky dirt pit!  Hooray!  The landscaping was done, the trees were planted and the sod laid.

Tree planting - I love how they lined them all up on the side of the road, like a little tree army.

Spreading the dirt and laying the sod.  Check out the giant sod rolls!

And here's the after!  It looks so good!

I'm loving it.  I was tracking in so many rocks my front entry way looked like a quarry.  Plus, all my patio furniture is covered in dirt dust.  Hopefully the grass will start keeping the dust down to a minimum!

I hope it all survives this drought we've been having...

PS.  I have to give a shout out to my friends Robyn and Danny who were my first non-family visitors.  Woop, thanks for coming!

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